Women’s Connection planned for April 19

April showers bring May flowers—May flowers bring color and joy. 

On Wednesday, April 19 at 2:30 p.m. the Grant and Ogallala Women’s Connection will be providing entertainment by Danielle McGuire, owner/manager of a flower shop in Ogallala. 

Everyone is invited to join the fun as Danielle shares tips and ideas for floral arranging. The afternoon’s events will be at the Congregational Church at 302 Spruce in Ogallala. Tickets are available at the door and include all entertainment and refreshments. 

Music will be provided by Helen Widdefield, and the guest speaker is Kris Driskill from Belton, Mo. 

Driskill is the former “director of the universe” and she tells how she was able to give up the need to be in control, and how to have peace of mind even when things seem to be out of control. She shares her humorous stories of how to have peace and wisdom while dealing with children’s rebellion and other trials that come along in life. 

Driskill has four children and 10 grandchildren, she owns her own business and collects patriotic items and antiques. 

Reservations are very much appreciated and can be made by calling Wanda Poppe at 308-353-1715 or Evelyn McGregor at 308-289-5801 or email her at evelynlmcgregor@gmail.com

Be sure to bring a friend or two and enjoy an afternoon of color and connecting with family, friends and neighbors. 


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

308-352-4311 (Phone)

PO Box 67
327 Central Ave in Grant
Grant NE 69140