Cemetery helpers recognized

Letter to the Editor

On Saturday, May 20, the Grant Cemetery Board held the annual clean-up from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Besides the board—Connie, Judy, Kenny (and wife, Deb), and Ed—the Cody and Brooke Lee family—Rowen, Rieken, and Lainey—showed up in full force with mowers, trimmers, trash cans, and the “service before self,” to work for three house that morning. Two of the kids could have been in a baseball and softball clinic at the ball fields, but they chose to come to help clean up the City Cemetery. Cody and Brooke should be proud of the values and work ethic that they are teaching their children that will take them far in life. We all could take a lesson from them. 

Connie Pofahl, President, Grant Cemetery Board


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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