Letter to the Editor: The greatest crime in Grant’s history

When voting, please vote the Bible.

Don’t vote the brown-nosing followers. When tomatoes and eggs are thrown at the next meeting, aim at the brown-nose followers and their so called leaders. 

Vote the Bible.

I’m voting for Lisa Schmitt. Don’t forget all the trash they said about her in the letters somebody sent through the mail but wouldn’t sign them. 

Lisa is very smart and would do a wonderful job.

I do think it’s wrong that this year the mayor and council are doing next year’s budget. I not only think it’s wrong, I think it’s stupid. Look what this council did on the water meters. This is a crime and will go on for years.

 Next voting, I’m voting for Ed Dunn for council and chairman. The last chairman caused the greatest crime in the history of Grant. 

Andrea Brueggeman is up for re-election and she deserves another chance. She was on a council with that crazy nut chairman who ruined everything.

I would like to thank the Lord for going through all those names and picking Kim Bishop to step in as council member. Kim Bishop should replace any who resign in the future.

I hope the crazy chairman and his followers resign for what they did...water meters.

If it was up to me, at the next meeting, I would bring tomatoes and eggs and let the chairman and his followers have it.

I would also let the mayor have some tomatoes and eggs.

I want to thank Brooke Robertson for not letting the city get away with not telling the truth. If the people of Grant would have done the great thing that Brooke Robertson did and stood up like she did, we wouldn’t have water meters. She did what the town didn’t have the guts to do. 

Mel Shootman


P.S. With the wonderful job that Lisa Schmitt, Ed Dunn, Andrea Brueggeman and Kim Bishop will do, I won’t have to write any more letters.

This is what you get when you vote the Bible.


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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